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West Kingdom Arts and Sciences Minister

Contact the Arts & Sciences
  • Arts & Sciences Minister : Mercy Grym
  • Media & Research Deputy of Arts & Science : Michiele l'encriere
  • Principality of Cynagua Arts & Sciences Minister : Agnes berengarii de girona
  • Principality of Oertha Arts & Sciences Minister : Elena Verch Ryhs
  • Arts & Sciences Tournament Chancellor : Etain du Pommier


The West Kingdom has a vibrant Arts & Sciences community that creates artifacts and performances that enhance our re-creation of our Current Middle Ages. These arts and sciences are founded on research that informs these creations ranging in historical accuracy from museum quality replicas to objects or performances that creatively reference those that could have been. The fun and learning is in the doing!

The way we learn by doing ranges from self-research, to joining guilds, to teaching and learning from each other in formal classes. We share these arts and sciences casually with each other, and formally through displays, classes, and competitions.

The kinds of arts and sciences our members are interested is amazingly widely varied! It includes, but is certainly not limited to...

  • Armoring
  • Bardic - Poetry and Vocal Music (Historic and "Filk")
  • Bladesmithing
  • Brewing & Vintning
  • Calligraphy and Illumination
  • Ceramics
  • Cooking
  • Costuming
  • Dance - European and Middle Eastern
  • Fiber Arts - Spinning, Dying, Weaving, Embroidery, Needlework, Lace Making, etc.
  • Glasswork - Enameling, Glass Blowing, Lampwork Beading, etc.
  • Heraldry
  • Herbalism
  • Instrumental Music
  • Jewelry
  • Leatherwork
  • Metalwork
  • Moneying (Minting Coins)
  • Pottery
  • Theatre
  • Woodworking
  • ... And much more!

You can find people engaged in these arts and sciences by contacting you local or regional branch Arts & Sciences Ministers listed above.  You can find information and contacts for many of our Kingdom's guilds at this LINK.

We'd love you have you join us!




Kingdom Arts & Sciences Displays (Wreath of Athena)

The Wreath of Athena is an opportunity to display your Arts and Sciences for the entire Kingdom! You don't need documentation to display your entry, although documentation is welcome. Finished works or works in progress are both acceptable.  There are no judging sheets, but participants are welcome to leave a comment card if they would like to receive feedback from the populace on their entry. Members of the populace are encouraged to come to view the displays and show their appreciation by dropping a bead in the tray corresponding to the display number.

The Wreath of Athena Displays happen at each Crown Tournament.  The typical schedule is as follows:

  • Displays may be dropped off at the Arts & Sciences Pavilion after Morning Court (start of Invocation) and should be registered in before the first round of the Crown Tournament.
  • The populace is invited to view displays up until Crown Finals.
  • Displays may be picked up from the Arts & Sciences Pavilion after Finals are over.
  • The Wreath of Athena will be awarded in Evening Court.

As always - Please pay heed the Herald's Cry to learn the location of the A&S Pavillion and if there are any changes to this standard plan.

The Schedule for AS LIII & AS LIV (2019) is:


Reporting Schedule - (Branch A&S reports due by these dates):
1st Quarter: February 21    - Covers December, January, February
2nd Quarter: May 21           - Covers March, April, May
3rd Quarter: August 21       - Covers June, July, August
4th Quarter: November 21 - Covers September, October, November



West Kingdom Arts & Sciences Collegium

The West Kingdom Arts & Sciences Collegium takes place once each year in June and is a comprehensive day of teaching and learning the various arts and sciences within the kingdom.

Also, please alert our Kingdom Collegium Chancellor listed above that you have submitted a proposal or request.

The West Kingdom Arts & Sciences Collegium for AS LIV (2019) will be on 1-Jun in Martinez,CA. West Kingdom Calendar Entry - Facebook Event Page.


West Kingdom Arts & Sciences Championship Tournament

The West Kingdom Arts & Sciences Championship Tournament is a day of classes and the formal competition to determine the Arts & Sciences Champion of the West Kingdom.


Arts & Sciences Championship Competition:

The competition format is the Arts & Sciences Pentathlon. Competitors must create an entry for all five categories:

  1. Practical Science: A science that is not necessarily a trade. Includes making textiles, cooking, weaving, brewing.
  2. Technical Science: A science that is a trade or would require learning from a professional. Includes woodwork, metalwork, leatherwork, glasswork
  3. Performing Art: An art you present to an audience. May be original or period
  4. Fine Art: A visual art used primarily or solely for aesthetic beauty. Includes clothing, calligraphy, oil painting, illumination, needlework.
  5. Research Paper or Masterwork: A substantial piece of academic writing using independent research into a topic with a description of the findings of that research. Or a piece using at least 3 of the 4 previous categories.

These entries require documentation and will be scored by a panel of 3 judges for each category. The highest scoring competitor will be presented to Their Majesties in Court and will be awarded the title of West Kingdom Arts and Sciences Champion.  Each entry requires the competitor to complete 3 copies of the appropriate judging form for the artifact or performance.  The judging sheets are available at competition registration, but it will save time to print them out and complete them ahead of time.

Judging Sheets:



In addition to the competitions, there are classes taking place throughout the day.

Also, please alert our Arts & Sciences Tournament Chancellor listed above that you have submitted a proposal or request.


The West Kingdom Arts & Sciences Tournament for AS LIV (2019) will be on 21-Sep in Location TBD: West Kingdom Calendar Entry - Facebook Event Page


Historical Note:  From AS XIX (1984) to AS LI (2017), the A&S Champion was chosen through a year-long series of competitons called the "Run for the Golden Poppy".


Arts & Sciences Resource Pages

We are developing a series of Arts & Sciences Resource Pages that are intended to become the "Kingdom Wide Central Resource for Artisans".  


Thank you for your interest in the Arts & Sciences in the West Kingdom!

Remember: Making art is FUN!